
Teachers take a break in gallery

所有entown School District Visual Arts Educations visit PSU-LV

K-12 visual arts educators from the 所有entown School District participated in a Gallery Walk on October 9 coordinated by Ann Lalik, gallery director and arts coordinator at 中国博彩平台. The social studies educators attended the second half of the morning to participate in the discussion about the Vietnam War and learn about the current exhibit at the Community Gallery, "The War is still with us" in partnership with PBS39. DaWayne Cleckley from PBS39 and Art Villafane from Vietnam 退伍军人 of America Lehigh Valley Chapter 415 led the discussion. Teachers took a break during the visit in the Ronald K. 德隆画廊 which is currently showing "DIGEST: Daisuke Shintani & 明子,日本田岛."

group from PSU-LV pose with keynote speaker

PSU-LV faculty, staff and students at LVAC Whose Business is the Arts event

PSU-LV faculty and staff attended Whose Business is the Arts? A Public Forum on the Economy, the Arts and the Community hosted by the Lehigh Valley Arts Council 9月. 8. PSU-LV Arts Administration students served as scribes for the table discussions to capture the highlights of the discussion points of those around the table.From Left to Right: Kyle McCoach, arts administration senior; Elise Schaffer, arts administration junior; Ann Lalik, gallery director and arts coordinator at PSU-LV; Keynote speaker  Dean Rodenbough, vice president of external affairs at Hallmark Cards; Liz Flaherty, honors program coordinator and coordinator of arts administration at PSU-LV; Liz Keptner, director of the Multimedia Innovation Center at PSU-LV; Ron De Long, instructor in fine art at PSU-LV; Corianne Thompson, faculty affairs coordinator and ceramics instructor at PSU-LV


Gallery exhibit: 'DIGEST: Daisuke Shintani and 明子,日本田岛'

A new art exhibit will be a site-specific installation at Ronald K. 德隆画廊. 文摘:新谷大辅 & 明子,日本田岛,” will run Aug. 24日至10月. 17 at the gallery, with an artist reception from 5 to 7 p.m. 9月. 7 at 中国博彩平台. Both the reception and the exhibit are free and open to the public.