
Barbara 坎塔卢波 and Richard Kopley

Barbara 坎塔卢波(左)和Richard Kopley在曼哈顿罗斯福酒店. 该酒店是第四届埃德加·爱伦·坡国际会议的举办地, which the longtime colleagues and friends teamed up to chair.

Credit: Nancy Coco

纽约——当你听到埃德加·爱伦·坡这个名字时,你会想到什么? A raven; dark and stormy nights; and other macabre images of horror and mystery? And what is your perception of Poe himself? A lonely drunkard; a penniless tormented soul obsessed with death?

If any of these ideas came to mind, you’re certainly not alone, nor are you necessarily wrong on all counts. But according to two Penn State professors, who are also notable Poe scholars, if this is all you know, you’ve barely scratched the surface of a deeply complex, 才华横溢的, 甚至有时也很快乐,他的作品继续吸引着世界各地的读者.

请看一看这份36页的计划,其中列出了坡研究协会于2月11日举行的第四届国际埃德加·爱伦·坡会议上提出的100多个主题. 26-March 1 at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. 日程安排, curated by conference co-chairs Barbara 坎塔卢波, associate professor of English at Penn State Lehigh Valley, and Richard Kopley, professor emeritus at Penn State DuBois, 为期三天的学术小组讨论集中在个人作品(《中国博彩平台》,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “尤里卡”) to Poe’s life (Poe in New York, 坡的地方, Poe and Alcoholism), 到爱伦·坡在数字世界中的当代探索,以及性别和同性恋问题.

该会议是由阿尔及利亚等24个国家的代表参加的国际会议, 冰岛, China and Spain. A generous gift from Susan Jaffe Tane, 帮助支付许多国际中国博彩平台的旅费, as well for student participants. According to Kopley, 塔内收集了现存最令人印象深刻的爱伦坡文物私人收藏. 

坎塔卢波说:“到目前为止,我们美丽的项目是整个会议中我最喜欢的部分. “Seeing it in print, holding it in my hands, puts two and a half years of planning and work into real terms.”

他们之间发表了大量令人印象深刻的爱伦坡学术著作, 她和科普利都能胜任主持会议的任务. 但两年半前,两人都没有上蹿下跳地承担责任.

“我们坐在PSA(坡研究协会)会议上,他们要求一位志愿者主持下一次会议,科普利说. “Barbara and I looked at each other. 我们俩都不想自己动手,但我们都说:“如果你也这么做,我就这么做。.’”

坎塔卢波和科普利是中国博彩平台杜波依斯分校的同事,并因对文学的共同热爱而建立了亲密关系, particularly Poe, 教授的博士论文和正在进行的奖学金的重点. More than that, 他们各自的坡研究还有一个共同点,那就是他们关注的是坡的普通读者不太了解的特征.

坎塔卢波最初是被坡那极其密集和复杂的散文诗迷住的, “尤里卡,” which she explored in her dissertation. In the years since, she has written extensively about Poe’s love of beauty, 2014年出版的《中国博彩平台》(宾州州立大学出版社), the first book on this topic.

“‘尤里卡’是一个挑战,我决心破译它. 作为一名中国博彩平台,爱伦·坡在书中表现出的智慧对我很有吸引力。. “我的工作并不是劝阻人们不去欣赏更著名的哥特式故事和诗歌, but to add something, 另外一面, to the conversation.”

科普利通过对战前美国文学的普遍热爱,找到了坡的道路. During his studies he read the only novel Poe ever completed, “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket,” and was “knocked out by it.”

“这是一个迷人的海洋故事,随着剧情的发展,它变得更加奇怪和惊人,”科普利说. “事实上, the last passage in the book is so mysterious and confounding, that it was removed from the version published in England, but has also been considered the greatest thing Poe ever wrote. 对我来说,这值得投入多年的研究来弄清楚.”

While each was developing their individual Poe research, 他们也开始与其他坡中国博彩平台建立联系. Shortly after 坎塔卢波 transferred to the Lehigh Valley campus, 她开始编辑一份四页的爱伦坡通讯,很快变成了一份24页的日记, "The Edgar Allan Poe Review.“两人一直活跃在PSA(科普利是前任总裁)。”, 该组织成立于1972年,目前在全球拥有250多名成员.


“I think we all have a soft spot for him. 当我们在小学或高中读他的短篇小说和诗歌时,他是我们真正“了解”的第一个作家,科普利说. “He was no doubt a master at those macabre tales. He invented the detective story genre. 在他40岁去世之前,他做了所有这些,而且做了更多.”

“I’d add that his work continues to challenge people’s sense of who he is; it keeps people thinking,” said 坎塔卢波. “Much of his work is prescient; it’s still relevant.”

For the masses, that legendary persona of the mad genius, dark and drunk with thoughts of death and despair, 可能会持续. And in truth there was tragedy and low points in Poe’s life. 但有大量证据表明,在他短暂的一生中,也有过伟大的成就,甚至是喜悦.

他们每四年聚在一起面对面地探索坡和他作品的方方面面, 坎塔卢波, Kopley, 来自世界各地的一大批爱伦·坡的爱好者继续为纠正埃德加·爱伦·坡的记录提供充足的证据, 永远.


Allison Goodin

Director of Enrollment Marketing, Penn State Lehigh Valley

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