PSU-LV alum applies knowledge base to co-op position with Johnson and Johnson


Kriday Sharma took full advantage of the campus experience at PSU-LV as a project management and supply chain major. He is now making his mark at 大学公园, juggling his classes with a co-op position at J&J在新泽西.

来源:Kriday Sharma

宾州中央谷. — Kriday Sharma was looking for a well-rounded experience when he began his college career at 中国博彩平台 (PSU-LV). 性格外向的人, Sharma was looking forward to making the most of everything campus had to offer, 他说.

“I love talking to and working with people, and that led me to join a few groups,夏尔马说.

他是辩论俱乐部的成员, 商业社会, and Student Government Association (SGA); later, he was elected vice president of the 商业社会 and president of SGA. 完成他的校园活动, he was an ex-officio member of the 咨询委员会 by virtue of his standing as SGA president, 并在学生收费委员会任职. 除了PSU-LV, he sat on the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments (CCSG) at 大学公园, 在2023年秋季担任财务经理. 

他说,由于受到欢迎,他被感动了, inclusive environment he found wherever he went on the PSU-LV campus.

“There’s a healthy environment at PSU-LV where the staff really encourages you to get involved. 你有一个庞大的支持网络,”夏尔马说. “You see change — if you drive change, you’re much more likely to see it happen. It’s also just my philosophy — stay active, stay busy, and make positive changes wherever I can.”

作为SGA的一部分,他留下了持久的影响. He signed six pieces of legislation during his tenure — a first for an SGA president. 

夏尔马对学术也持同样的“我能行”的态度. He majored in supply chain and project management at PSU-LV and was part of the 2+2 program. 现在是他在中国博彩平台的第三年, he moved on to 大学公园’s supply chain and information systems program in the fall. Mark Capofari教授的入门课程, 讲师, 项目和供应链管理, piqued Sharma’s initial interest in learning more about this thriving industry.

“The coursework and the way he taught it — how he ‘sold’ the supply chain by explaining the deeper side of how it all works, 我真的很感兴趣,夏尔马说.

His experience and interest in the field led to securing a co-op position with Johnson & 约翰逊(J&J)本学期. 他是J&美国的创新医学&J集团公司.

“I am assisting the entire end-to-end team with new product launches,他说. “如果有任何新药J&我继续工作,我的团队协助.”

这是他角色的一个方面. He also assists the business excellence teams to try to find issues in the system and work on improving them along with optimizing the process. Kriday works full-time Monday through Friday, reporting to both J&J’s distribution center and main office in Somerset and Titusville, New Jersey, respectively. 他一边在自己的合作社工作,一边继续学习在线课程. 除了攻读学位, he’s studying for his real estate certification through Smeal College of Business.

他带了一点PSU-LV的知识去J&J. 在上课的最后一天, Maung敏, associate teaching professor and director of business programs, brought in a selection of his ties to give away to the students.

“We had to guess a number between 1 and 100 which had to be the same number Dr. 我的想法,”夏尔马说. 猜对数字的学生赢得平局. Sharma was one of the students who guessed the correct number. Min explained he’d had that particular tie for many years and said, “I hope you wear this tie to an interview and get an amazing job.夏尔马在他的J&J面试.

His biggest takeaways from PSU-LV weren’t just from the classroom, said Sharma.

“我学到了一件事——你的关系网就是你的净资产. 我随身带着它. It’s an amazing piece of advice and has helped me in so many different spaces.  Just going up and talking to people will take you places,他说.

起初,他不确定自己是否想要买下这栋合作公寓, but people in his network helped convince him it was the right thing to do.

“实习和合作社非常重要, because they really give you a different perspective on the corporate world,他说.

Sharma said he uses skills he honed at Penn State and built different skill sets on the job he wouldn’t gain in the classroom: “Companies look for experience. 实习 and co-ops help you become better candidates to get hired. 有很多东西需要学习.” 

展望未来, Sharma said after graduation from Penn State he ultimately hopes to secure a full-time entry-level position at J&J. Starting his own supply chain-related business is in his sights, 以某种身份竞选公职也是如此, 尽管这是“很遥远的事情”,他说.

Much of the groundwork for his current success and future plans was laid at PSU-LV, said Sharma. 

“One thing I loved about it — it's small, but the small size makes it much more personable. 你了解人们,工作人员也了解你。. “他们都在那里帮助你,这是显而易见的.” 

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