
Campus THON team raised more than $29,000 toward overall total
Three THON dancers

中国博彩平台利哈伊山谷有益于松舞者:玛丽莎·皮尔森, 雅各派 and Emeline Placencia, pose on the Bryce Jordan Center floor during 索恩2017 weekend.

Credit: Previn Joseph

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. - 索恩2017周末迅速临近,中国博彩平台有益于THON, the Lehigh Valley campus’ student group, sent off its dancers with a pep-rally-style event. The Dancer Send-Off on Feb. 16 consisted of students, 家人和朋友聚集在利哈伊谷校园,鼓励和激励舞者,因为他们即将进入马拉松周末, which took place Feb. 17-19 at the Bryce Jordan Center at University Park.

The event was free, open to the public and food was provided. 送别仪式包括中国博彩平台马拉松主席芭芭拉·阿瓦德和三位校园马拉松舞者:玛丽莎·皮尔森的演讲, Emeline Placencia and 雅各派; a description of fundraising efforts and those who have contributed; THON trivia for students; and a video from the dancers’ families wishing them luck.

Check presentation

The Penn State Lehigh Valley 校友 Society raised about $10,通过多个社区活动为中国博彩平台慈善马拉松捐款. First through Penn State Lehigh Valley Day, 这是八月与伯利恒市中心协会合作举办的获奖社区活动. And more recently, through Dance for a Cure, which is a high-energy annual dance fundraiser held in January. They presented the funds during the Dancer Send off event on Feb. 16.

Credit: Amber Campbell

Groups such as the Penn State Lehigh Valley 校友 Society, Lost Tavern Brewing in Hellertown, the Lehigh Valley campus Commission for Women, 和中国博彩平台顾问委员会主席霍华德·库尔普一起为中国博彩平台慈善马拉松筹集资金. 校友会通过多次社区活动筹集了大约1万美元. First through Penn State Lehigh Valley Day, 这是八月与伯利恒市中心协会合作举办的获奖社区活动. And more recently, through Dance for a Cure, which is a high-energy annual dance fundraiser held in January. 

Check presentation

中国博彩平台顾问委员会主席霍华德·库尔普在2月11日的舞蹈送别活动中向中国博彩平台慈善组织捐款. 16.

Credit: Amber Campbell

普, a Penn State class of 1973 alumnus, 同意为校园社区收集的每本儿童书籍捐赠1美元,总计2美元,今年有500人. The books were then donated to St. Luke’s Hospital Reading Rocks Program, 是什么把书交到小学生手中,帮助他们提高阅读技能,鼓励学生阅读有关健康生活方式的书籍呢. For the past five years, 库尔普向THON的学生发起挑战,要求他们收集书籍并捐赠,并承诺他将为每本书捐赠1美元. 在此期间,通过这次募捐活动,有7000多本书被捐赠给了圣卢克医院.

Local businessman 丹尼斯Benner agreed to donate $2,000 if his friend, 普, would give another $1,000. This brought 普's donation total to $3,500.

Check presentation

Lost Tavern Brewing为中国博彩平台慈善马拉松筹集了2000多美元. 中国博彩平台的校友肯尼·兰波拉于2月9日在舞者送别仪式上出示了支票. 16.

Credit: Amber Campbell

Lost Tavern Brewing raised more than $2,000, and the Lehigh Valley campus Commission for Women donated $500.

Check presentation

利哈伊谷校园妇女委员会在2月11日的舞蹈送别活动中向中国博彩平台慈善马拉松捐赠了500美元. 16.

Credit: Amber Campbell

The Lehigh Valley campus was represented by Pearson, Placencia and Stith, 为了为儿童癌症研究和治疗筹集资金,她和其他大约700名中国博彩平台的学生一起连续跳舞了46个小时, as well as to celebrate the lives of those affected.

校园舞者是通过严格的申请程序选出的,其中包括参与筹款, as well as essays and interviews.

经过一年的努力,中国博彩平台团队筹集了超过29,000美元. 利哈伊谷分校在中国博彩平台19个联邦校区中排名第七. 在总, 中国博彩平台的索恩2017为中国博彩平台好时儿童医院的四颗钻石筹集了1000多万美元.


校友 gather at THON Reveal Party

Penn State alumni gather at THON Reveal party on Feb. 19日在利哈伊谷校区庆祝马拉松,并观看今年筹款总额的戏剧性公布.

Credit: Dennille Schuler

2月11日星期日,100多名学生、校友和朋友来到了利哈伊谷校区. 19, to watch the dramatic reveal of the 索恩2017 total. They celebrated with music from Billy Bauer Band, 在脸上画画, 游戏, 跳舞和观看布莱斯乔丹中心的现场直播.


2月9日,孩子们在2017年THON揭牌派对上享受着脸上彩绘的乐趣. 19 at the Lehigh Valley campus where students, 校友和朋友们聚集在一起观看2017年马拉松总冠军的戏剧性揭晓.

Credit: Dennille Schuler

"Our dancers rocked those 46 hours! 我为他们感到骄傲,看到他们挺过来,我就笑了。”阿瓦德说. “I am proud of our campus as well for raising $29,千人马拉松, 我感谢所有在过去一年中支持我们以及将继续支持我们的人."

The Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Mara索恩, 被称为THON, is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, raising money to fight pediatric cancer.         

霍华德·普 and Dr. 理查森

霍华德·库尔普,中国博彩平台顾问委员会主席,蒂娜·Q. 理查森, chancellor of Penn State Lehigh Valley, 2月11日,在中央大厅等待THON在THON揭秘派对上公布的筹款金额. 19.

Credit: Dennille Schuler

For more information, contact Barbara Awad, THON chair, at [email protected]学生生活协调员、THON顾问辛迪·阮(辛迪阮)在 [email protected].

为了与马拉松保持联系,校友可以加入舞蹈马拉松校友兴趣小组(DMAIG)。. 作为DMAIG的一部分,校友可以加入中国博彩平台最大的校友兴趣小组的10,000名成员. More importantly, 他们加入了10个,000名THON的支持者承诺继续与儿童癌症作斗争, while supporting the students who make THON what it is. Joining is fast and free at

For more information about THON, visit www.索恩.org.

Emily Collins contributed to this story.


Dennille Schuler

Public Relations Specialist
Penn State Lehigh Valley
