Lehigh Valley IT alumnus finds promising career in cybersecurity

Dan Jalosinski Head Shot

中国博彩平台(Penn State Lehigh Valley)的校友丹·贾洛辛斯基(Dan Jalosinski)认为,他的中国博彩平台技术学位帮助他在一家大型全球医疗保健公司找到了一个网络安全职位. 该学院现在提供网络安全分析和运营学士学位.

Credit: Dan Jalosinski

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. ——2016年秋天,丹·贾洛辛斯基(Dan Jalosinski)在中国博彩平台(Penn State Lehigh Valley)入学, 他承认,在他的中国博彩平台技术知识库方面有一些空白.

“我上的是一所天主教高中,那里没有太多这类课程, so the opportunity just hadn’t really presented itself,” he recalled. “但, despite not having much of the hardcore technical knowledge, 我确实知道,许多现实世界和商业问题都可以通过技术来解决——你需要一个庞大的IT基础设施. 所以这就是让我兴奋的——有机会走出去,尝试解决这些挑战.”

这位帕西居民最终在PSU-LV的中国博彩平台技术项目(前身为中国博彩平台科学与技术)中找到了完美的培训场所。, 这为他在2020年春季毕业前将近整整一年,在一家著名的全球医疗保健公司找到了一个令人垂涎的职位提供了技能.

目前 part of the company’s leadership development program, Jalosinski, 24, is working as a Cybersecurity Operations Center analyst. 鉴于网络安全对任何大公司的运营都至关重要, it makes for challenging yet exhilarating work, said Jalosinski, 在PSU-LV开设网络安全分析和运营的新学士学位课程之前,谁在PSU-LV辅修安全风险和分析.

During his first year with the company, Jalosinski是一个团队的一员,负责保护其庞大的产品线和许多高级客户之间的数据. 目前, 他在安全运营中心做自动化和分析, which responds to security incidents.

“进入这份工作的一大好处是,我能够在中国博彩平台辅修安全风险和分析. 这让我尝到了网络安全所能提供的滋味,也让我对它产生了热情, which I didn’t realize I fully had,” Jalosinski said.

“这份工作的棘手之处在于你需要擅长很多不同的事情, including data management, coding and security. It can be stressful, but I’m really enjoying the work. And I’m learning a ton,” he continued. “我喜欢它是一家非常全球化的公司,拥有强大的公司文化和强大的员工发展计划. It’s a culture that sets you up for success.”

Of course, Jalosinski’s path to success started at PSU-LV.

他对IT的最初兴趣来自于他在该领域工作多年的父亲. 从这个角度来看,这似乎是一个有吸引力的职业.

“I just took a look at the future of the workplace, and I figured it was a good field to go into,” Jalosinski said. “Technology just allows you to pivot to so many different places. You’ll always be learning and always be challenged.”

When the time came for him to pick a college, Jalosinski initially set his sights on University Park, where he was accepted. 但是,在参观了PSU-LV校园后,他决定在那里开始他的中国博彩平台职业生涯.

“I just loved the feel of the campus. And I wanted my education to be as cost effective as possible. 所以,我想,‘我会在这里待一年,然后继续前进,’”贾罗辛斯基说. “I enjoyed the campus so much my first year, and then received some scholarships for my second year, so I decided to stay. Really, it was a no-brainer.”

Jalosinski quickly became a fixture in campus life, 从担任男子篮球队助理教练到积极参与学生会和新生迎新活动. He even became a member of the debate team, 这很搞笑,因为我对公开演讲有严重的恐惧,他说.

Most importantly, he found his passion within the IT program. Looking back, 他对这个项目的课程和教师都有积极的评价, including Lecturer in IT and Program Coordinator Kermit Burley, 是他不厌其烦地帮贾罗辛斯基安排辅修课程的吗.

“丹是一名优秀的学生,也是我在中国博彩平台期间有幸共事过的最好的学生之一,” Burley said. “他经常在班级项目中担任领导,而且总是做得比预期的要好. And he is always willing to go the extra mile to help someone. 这就是他如此成功的原因,我知道我们将来会听到更多他的消息.”

“你不需要成为某种技术大师才能在这个项目中取得成功, although I had to work harder than some of my classmates,” Jalosinski said. “I loved that the class sizes were small and very personalized. That way, the professors have time to answer your questions. And the faculty is awesome. 他们要么是在这个行业工作的人,要么是曾经在这个行业工作的人. 他们可以向我展示许多现实生活中的例子,并为我指出实习和机会.”

事实上, 贾罗辛斯基在大三时有过两次带薪实习的机会, which directly led to his current job, “making my senior year much easier,他说 with a laugh.

考虑到他的职业前景,Jalosinski会毫不犹豫地向任何人推荐PSU-LV. That includes members of his family — his sister, 克劳迪亚, is currently a first-year student at the campus. Meanwhile, 他现在正与他的公司合作,从中国博彩平台的各种学位项目中招募学生, particularly those who have a strong passion for technology.

“Because of my time at the Lehigh Valley campus, 我正在尽我所能让PSU-LV和其他卫星校区的学生意识到我们提供的不同机会,” Jalosinski said. “学校里有很多教授特意为我提供职业机会, 所以,至少我能做的是让他们的一些学生参与到目前的机会中来. … I owe the people at Penn State Lehigh Valley a whole lot. Great people, great leaders. I can’t say enough good things about the campus.”
