2015 教师/工作人员 Award recipients announced, lauded for achievements

宾州大学公园. -每年, Penn State honors several members of its faculty and staff for the highest levels of academic excellence, outstanding leadership and meritorious service. The 2015 教师/工作人员 Award recipients — 33 outstanding University employees and one program — reach across campuses, colleges and administrative units and exemplify best practices and achievements among Penn Staters reflecting the University's mission of teaching, 研究及服务.

The honorees will receive their awards at a private ceremony at noon Wednesday, 4月15日,尼塔尼狮子酒店.

Articles about this year's award recipients are linked below, listed below by award category.


弥尔顿S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching: Robert Loeb, associate professor of biology and forestry, Penn State DuBois; and Dan Stearns, J. Franklin Styer Professor of Horticulture Botany, College of Agricultural Sciences

小乔治. 阿瑟顿卓越教学奖:丽莎·里夫斯·伯丁, 高级讲师 in information sciences and technology, Penn State Shenango; LuAnn Demi, 高级讲师, Penn State DuBois; Michael J. Krajsa, instructor of management, 中国博彩平台; Jennelle L. Malcos, lecturer and academic adviser, 埃伯利理学院; Irene J. Pertick, 高级讲师, College of Information Sciences and Technology; and Felisa del Carmen Preciado, clinical associate professor of supply chain management, Smeal商学院;

The 校友/Student Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015年中国博彩平台助教):Jane C .. 查尔顿, 天文学和天体物理学教授, 埃伯利理学院; Richard Doyle, 文科研究英语教授, 文理学院; and Allen Larson, 传播学副教授, 中国博彩平台新肯辛顿分校

The Penn State Excellence in 建议 Award:
——教员:Elizabeth M. 西摩, 人类学讲师, 通信, 历史和妇女研究, 艺术与人文学部, 中国博彩平台阿尔图纳分校
——工作人员:Margaret A. Sebastianelli, senior DUS programs coordinator and director of student services for 健康与人类发展学院, Division of Undergraduate Studies and 健康与人类发展学院

The President's Award for Excellence in Academic Integration: Jane C. 查尔顿, 天文学和天体物理学教授, 埃伯利理学院

The President's Award for Engagement with Students: Diane Zabel, Louis and Virginia Benzak Librarian and head librarian, University Libraries

The Undergraduate Program Leadership Award:理查德(理查. 卡尔森, associate head and director of undergraduate studies and professor of psychology, 文理学院


霍华德B. 帕尔默教师指导奖卡伦A. Thole, professor and department head of mechanical and nuclear engineering, 工程学院

研究生院教学奖:甄子丹, professor of information sciences and technology, College of Information Sciences and Technology

The Graduate School 校友 Society Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award西蒙·J. 布朗, graduate program coordinator and distinguished professor of American studies, 中国博彩平台哈里斯堡分校

艺术与人文学科奖:罗伯特·C. D. Nairn, professor of music, 艺术与建筑学院
——工程奖:张启明, distinguished professor of electrical engineering and materials science and engineering, 工程学院
-- Life and Health Sciences Medal: Song Tan, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, 埃伯利理学院
——物理科学奖:约翰·五世. Badding, professor of chemistry, 埃伯利理学院
-- Social and Behavioral Sciences Medal: Robert Turrisi, 生物行为健康教授, 健康与人类发展学院


麦凯·唐金奖杰奎琳·埃德蒙森, associate vice president and associate dean for undergraduate education, 本科教育

行政卓越奖: Sherry Yocum, 主任行政核心, 社会科学研究所, 负责研究的副总统办公室

优秀员工奖:帕特里夏·A. Yarian, 行政支援协调员, Department of Neural and Behavioral Sciences, 医学院

支援人员奖苏珊·塞曼, 利益冲突助理, 研究保护办公室, 研究副总裁

巴拉什人类服务奖:詹姆斯·W. Dunn, professor of agricultural economics, College of Agricultural Sciences

的博士. 詹姆斯·罗宾逊平等机会奖:丹娜·杰恩. Seballos, assistant director for the World in Conversation Center, College of the Liberal Arts

W. LaMarr Kopp International 教师 and 工作人员 Achievement Award:
——教员:杰奎琳S. 麦克劳林, associate professor of biology and founding director of CHANCE, 教务处处长办公室, 中国博彩平台
——工作人员:Donna J. 霍华德, assistant director of international student support services and campus life and intercultural affairs, 中国博彩平台哈里斯堡分校

中国博彩平台教师拓展奖: Laurie Grobman, professor of English and women’s studies, Penn State Berks

雪莉·亨德里克奖汉普顿N. Shirer, associate dean for education EMS, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Community Engagement and Scholarship Award:音乐的伙伴, 首席教员:罗伯特·加德纳, 音乐教育副教授, 琳达·桑顿, 音乐教育副教授, 艺术与建筑学院

A full description of each of the 教师/工作人员 Awards with contacts for further information is online at http://cannon.ivantseng.com/ur/awards/faculty.html.