student in graduation cap and gown laughing with family

2018 graduate overcomes obstacles to earn degree and walk at graduation

By: Dennille Schuler

5月5日,理查德·“韦斯”·施劳赫与114名来自中国博彩平台(PSU-LV)的同学在伯利恒SteelStacks的artquest中心毕业,获得了企业传播学位. Schlauch processed in with fellow graduates, 走上讲台领取毕业证书,在经济衰退期间和同学们一起走出音乐节咖啡馆. These achievements on their own are noteworthy, 但更令人印象深刻的是,施劳赫在2010年16岁时中风, 六天后,他在波茨敦的希尔学校(The Hill School)玩曲棍球时发生了意外.

Graduate walking with cane to get his degree from Chancellor

韦斯·施劳赫(Wes Schlauch)走在2018年PSU-LV毕业典礼的舞台上,从校长蒂娜·Q (Tina Q .)那里获得了学位. Richardson on May 5 at ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks in Bethlehem.

Credit: Dan Z. Johnson

“这让他做任何事情都变得更加困难,”Schlauch谈到他中风的后果时说. “I was on a ventilator. I had to relearn how to breathe; how to do everything.”

He was first taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, 随后被救护车送往宾夕法尼亚大学医院接受手术, 之后被转移到费城儿童医院55天. Schlauch随后被送入Good Shepherd康复儿科病房进行10个月的康复治疗. He had multiple therapies, which have been ongoing since his discharge, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, aqua therapy and equine therapy.

Schlauch, who lives in Breinigsville with his parents, 在医院和回家后,他通过帕克兰学区的在家教学继续他的高中教育. 然后他回到希尔学校学习了一年,并于2012年从高中毕业.


施劳赫说:“我知道中国博彩平台名声很好,而且离家很近。. “我姐姐去了这里,并把它推荐给了我,但我担心自己不会喜欢上大学.”

Schlauch and his sister, Maggie, 在2013年毕业之前,她一起在利哈伊谷校区学习了一年.

At Maggie’s graduation, I remember talking to Dr. 威廉姆斯,前校长,关于韦斯,她说,“别担心,威廉姆斯夫人. Schlauch, we got this; we will make sure he graduates from Penn State Lehigh Valley.’ Even though she retired, I knew that this place had his back,” said Meg Schlauch, Wes and Maggie’s mom. Wes also has another older sister, Betsy.

他选择了企业传播专业,因为他说他想成为一名优秀的沟通者. Schlauch interned twice with State Rep. 加里·戴正在学习Facebook商业方面的来龙去脉和社交媒体的力量.

“I like the environment at Penn State Lehigh Valley. I like its size; that it’s one building where everybody knows everybody,” said Schlauch. “这里有很多人帮助过我,从琳达·拉姆菲尔德、丹尼尔·方德尔到奥巴马医生. Gutgold and Mike Krajsa; from Dr. 还有我的顾问鲍勃·沃尔夫,他总是告诉我该怎么做.”

Graduate in cap and gown with a faculty member smiling at each other

Wes Schlauch hugged his faculty adviser Bob Wolfe, coordinator of the Corporate Communication program at PSU-LV, after graduating on May 5 at ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks in Bethlehem.

Credit: Dan Z. Johnson

Schlauch said his parents have been crucial in his success at PSU-LV, 他爸爸每天开车送他去学校他妈妈是他最大的啦啦队长.

His presence on campus the last 6 years has been a positive one, 许多教职员工已经开始想念他毕业后的那个周一在校园里的笑脸和幽默感.

“Wes has never been one to use his disability as an excuse. 他向其他人展示了这是你可以做到的,就像如果我能做到,那么你也可以. 很多教授都来找我,说韦斯给一个多元化的学生带来了一张新面孔. 我真的很感激PSU-LV有那么多好心的教授对他的庇护.  自从来到这里,他变得更加外向,成长了很多。.

During his time at PSU-LV, Schlauch是中国博彩平台顾问委员会奖学金的获得者.  四月在利哈伊谷校区举行的PSU-LV学生颁奖典礼上, Schlauch was awarded the Heart of the Lion Award, 这个奖项是颁给中国博彩平台的一名克服了各种显著障碍的学生的, and has demonstrated grit, gumption and sheer determination.

"Wes reminds me of the power of the human spirit. In all the years I've known him, I have not once seen him in a bad mood. 我认为他积极进取的精神和伟大的个性很大程度上来自于他的家庭. His mother in particular is a vivacious and positive woman. 我曾经听一位演讲者说过:“给我看一个关心我的父母,我就会给你看一个善于学习的学生。.’ That's the Schlauch family — they are tight-knit, positive and gritty. Wes exemplifies that, too," said Nichola Gutgold, professor of communication arts and sciences at Penn State Lehigh Valley.

As Schlauch’s name was read on May 5, and he walked up the stage to get his diploma from Chancellor Tina Q. Richardson, the attendees at commencement stood up to cheer him on. He was overcome with emotion and gave the crowd a wave. The emotion in the Musikfest Café was palpable and celebratory.

“我是一个情绪化的人,当我看到他戴着帽子、穿着学士服走进毕业典礼时,我知道我会哭得像个孩子. This journey has been my family’s journey with him. 因为他的病史,让他上大学本来是一种梦想, but for him to graduate is nothing short of a miracle,” said Meg Schlauch. “The Lehigh Valley campus has become very meaningful to him. 他可以在那里做很多事情,这些事情是他在一个更大的校园里做不到的. 我想让人们记住我们需要为韦斯这样的人辩护. Even if you aren’t related to them, try to advocate for others. They can touch your life even when you are doing them the favor. I think Wes has shown this to the people of PSU-LV.”

When looking ahead to the future, Schlauch said he is excited, 但有点紧张,因为他知道离开PSU-LV对他来说是一个很大的变化. He is searching for a job in public relations.

When asked about his advice to his fellow graduates, Schlauch smiled and said, “Just keep your head up, keep smiling and don’t take things too seriously. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Commencement Highlights 2018


Credit: Penn State Lehigh Valley Multimedia Innovation Center